Sergios “Linko” Tsagkaris is a social dancer, TDJ, and self-taught tango musician. Resident DJ in a popular weekly milonga for 2 years, he has been invited to DJ milongas, festivals and marathons in Greece and all over Europe.
On duty, he is concentrated on the pista and plays accordingly: he’s not an educator – his role is to serve the dancers and make sure they have fun. His tandas are usually very consistent, but occasionally he’s mixing up when it feels right. He prefers the rhythmic tangos of the Golde Age, but keeps an open mind.
Apart from playing the right tanda (and cortina!) at the right moment, a TDJ is also responsible for sound quality. The vast majority of tangos comes from an age with limited recording means, and there is a constant process of vinyl/shellac digitizing, de-emphasizing, equalizing, remastering to clean and improve the sound of the old recordings. Sergio hunts the latest CD releases for better and cleaner transfers. He also uses professional equipment of audiophile quality DJ soundcards, monitors, mixers, equalizers etc to guarantee great sound regardless of the venue’s acoustics.