Helena, a lively Tango enthusiast hailing from Croatia , currently residing in Skopje, is an incredibly dynamic and passionate Tango DJ who loves to make people move.Her passion for music shines through every tanda she plays and creates an enchanting ambiance for any event she's involved in.Helena has built a sterling reputation for setting dance floors on fire and melting the hearts of milongueros on the dance floor. Her signature style combines traditional Argentine rhythms with modern twists, making sure to add uplifting and dance inviting cortinas.In addition to her regular DJ sets in Skopje(Macedonia) , she has showcased her talent at numerous Tango marathons and festivals, earning global acclaim in countries such as Germany, France, Greece, Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, and beyond.Her music captivates and leaves an indelible mark on all fortunate enough to witness it.So, come join the party and let yourself get lost in the enchanting world of tango, guided by Helena's expertly curated playlist.